Welcome to xx. And welcome to the xx
My name is xx xx. I am the xxx of the organization of xx

xx is a really amazing place to host the meeting. and it’s really quite suitable.
xxx played a major role in early medicine and neuroscience, in many ways,

it’s also hard to believe that it’s been xx years since the first xxx conference in xx.
at that time, it really was just a conference. In the second meeting in xxx, it was decided to become a organization.
Just in the last year, we decided to change to a society.
so really it has been serve as an evolution over time.
I attended the boston meeting, but I could go to xx cos I was a poor graduate student. so wasn’t able to afford it.

but just to give you a sense what was happening xx years ago.
xx had just broken xx; xx was just over xx; xxx was released; jave script was first intraduced we are still using; xxx was first announced. xx has just started.
in many ways, I cann’t believe that it’s been that long, but that does not seem like that it was that long.

I encourage you to look at some of the blocks and some activities about what has evolved throughout the xx years in this particular meeting.
we have a really wonderful program I hope you could agree.
some of our keynotes are xxx

Thanks to the program committee chaired by xx who work very hard to put these together.
Thanks to the xx for keeping track for everything, and doing so much.
Thanks to you for your attendance.
Without further to do, I will introduce xx who will talk about xxx
