今天看发布TBSS的2006的一篇文章,看到一个很有意思的参数,nonlinear displacement。看上去配准的时候位移应该是没有什么意义的,但是这其中似乎真的有一些信息等着我们挖掘。

Smith et al., 2006 为了identify the target for alignment,考查了summary nonlinear displacement scores (Fig. 7)。For each target subject, a column of scores is shown; each score represents the root mean square displacement (across all brain voxels) for the nonlinear component of the alignment of any given subject to the target subject.

displacement summary

[前20为control,后面为病人。The bottom row summarises the target subjects; the first 20 subjects are the controls, and the final 13 are ALS patients, with clearly greater structural variability than the control group.]

结果发现,Note also the greater variability within the patient group than within the control group. The means of the two groups, however, are not significantly different.

Nonlinear displacement 看上去是一个很有意思的参数。那么如何计算得到呢?

–fout output type of fnirt

the –fout is in fact the displacement in millimeters of the tranformation.




displacement map